NoSQL operator: istable

Checks that a file is a valid NoSQL table.

Usage: istable [options]

    --input (-i) 'file'
      Read input from 'file' instead of STDIN.

    --verbose (-v)
      Set verbose reporting.

    --skip-header (-n)
      Do not include the table header in the failing row number.
      Only useful together with '-v'.

    --edit (-E)
      Used by the 'edit*' operators.

    --echo (-e)
      Print the input table to STDOUT.

    --no-header (-N)
      Suppress header from output. Only useful together with '-e'.

    --allow-duplicates (-a)
      Allow duplicated column names.

    --relaxed (-r)
      Allow column names beginning with an underscore '_'.
      Implies '-a'.

    --really-relaxed (-R)
      Allow records that are shorter/longer than the header, which
      are to be considered badly broken for most other NoSQL operators
      except a few very forgiving ones, like 'listtotable' and
      'updtable'. Implies '-a' and '-r'.

    --help (-h)
      Display this help text.


This NoSQL operator reads a file from STDIN and returns an exit
code equal 0 if the file is a valid table and 255 otherwise.
If option '-n' is specified (together with option 'v'), then the
failing row number(s) will not include the header, i.e. it will be the
failing row number - 2.